joi, 2 octombrie 2008

Makoto Shinkai ~beautiful~

Makoto Shinkai (Shinkai Makoto?), born Makoto Niitsu (Niitsu Makoto?) (born February 9, 1973) is a Japanese anime director, animator, and principal voice actor. A native of the Nagano prefecture in Japan, he studied Japanese literature in university. He traces his passion for creation to the manga, anime, and novels he was exposed to while in middle school. His favorite anime is Castle in the Sky by Hayao Miyazaki. Shinkai has been called "The New Miyazaki" in several reviews including Anime Advocates and ActiveAnime, though he disagrees with this comparison, stating that "it is an overestimation".

The Place Promised in Our Early Days

Totally love this anime music video using Kokia’s Arigatou with the anime ‘The Place Promised In Our Early Days’ (Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho). Kokia is a relatively lesser known Japanese singer who knew how to express her feelings by sound in her early childhood and her third single ‘Arigatou’ used in this anime music video won the third place in the International Popular Music Award in Hong Kong. 1 videoclip after the jump.

She and Her Cat: She and Her Cat, subtitled Their standing points, is an independent five minute anime OVA about the relationship between a male cat and his female owner told from the cat's perspective. It was created mostly by Makoto Shinkai, except the soundtrack, which was done by his friend Tenmon. She and Her Cat is also the first project Makoto Shinkai directed.

5 Centimeters Per Second

Makoto Shinkai had expressed that, unlike his past works, there would be no fantasy or science fiction elements in this film. Instead, the feature film would attempt to present the real world from a different perspective. Makoto's film gives a realistic view of the struggles many face against: time, space, people, and love. The title 5 Centimeters Per Second comes from the speed at which cherry blossoms petals fall, petals being a metaphorical representation of humans, reminiscent of the slowness of life and how people often start together but slowly drift into their separate ways.[1]

Other Worlds:
This is the first short anime (1 min 28 sec) which Mr. Shinkai made in 1997, and He continued adjusting it till 1999. The motifs, which appears in his other films again and again, repeatedly already used in it; such as trains, telegraph poles, and everyday scenery of Japanese town. The atmosphere is close to "Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko."
Special Award in "eAT Kanazawa '98"
The Highest Award (General Animation Category) in "SKIP Creative Human Award '98"

After winning the grand prize, Shinkai began thinking about a follow-up while he continued to work as a graphic designer for Falcom, a video game company. Some months later in June 2000, Shinkai was inspired to begin Voices of a Distant Star by drawing a picture of a girl in a cockpit grasping a cell phone. Some time later, he was contacted by Mangazoo, who offered to "work with him," giving him a grant to turn his idea into an anime they could sell. In May 2001, he quit his job at Falcom and began to work on Voices. In an interview, Shinkai noted that production took around seven months of "real work."

Voices of a Distant Star

miercuri, 1 octombrie 2008

Sukiyaki Western Django

Takashi Miike
Masa NakamuraTakashi Miike
Western / Actiune
121 minute

Sukiyaki Western Djangose petrece in timpul Razboilui Genpeipe la sfarsitul anilor 1100 in care benzile de nelegiuiti Minamoto si Taira ajung sa se dueleze intr-un mic sat numit Yuda. In ajutorul satenilor loviti de acest blestem vine un pistolar care incearca sa medieze acest conflict. Dupa ce ambele clanuri rivale isi manifesta influenta si puterea in fata acestui iscusit pistolar, dar si expert in arte martiale, incearca sa il convinga pe rand sa se alature clanului lor.
Dar Ruriko, una din locuitoarea satului il sfatuieste pe acest pistolar sa ajute satenii. Dupa o scurta prezentare care dezvaluie toate conflictele care au dus la aceasta mare rivalitate dintre cele 2 clanuri, aflam despre povestea celui mai faimos pistolar care a existat vreodata, Ringo, care ajunge sa detina un rol important pe masura ce evolueaza povestea. Toate personajele nu sunt ceea ce par, iar finalul incendiar al acestui film este plin de surprize.

Hideaki Ito
.. Gunman
Masanobu Ando
.. Yoichi
Koichi Sato
.. Taira no Kiyomori
Kaori Momoi
.. Ruriko
Yusuke Iseya
.. Minamoto no Yoshitsune
Renji Ishibashi
.. Benkei
Yoshino Kimura
.. Shizuka
Takaaki Ishibashi
Teruyuki Kagawa
.. Sheriff
Toshiyuki Nishida
Shun Oguri
.. Akira
Masato Sakai
.. Taira no Shigemori
Hideaki Sato

luni, 29 septembrie 2008

Cooliris - the next step in web-surfing

CoolPreviews, formerly known as Cooliris Previews, is a web browser plugin for Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Flock that opens a preview of the underlying content of a web link when the mouse hovers over the link. The stated goal of the software is to optimize browsing by allowing review of multiple links while preserving the context of the originating page. For example, one could preview a list of news headlines before deciding which article to read in depth.Cooliris, formerly known as PicLens, is a web browser plugin that provides interactive full-screen slideshows of online images. The plugin is available for Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. At present, the software is compatible with Google Images, Yahoo Images, Images, deviantART, Flickr, Facebook, Live Image Search, Photobucket, SmugMug, Fotki, YouTube (for videos), and any web site that implements mediaRSS tags in their HTML pages. The software places a small icon in the corner of an image thumbnail when the mouse moves over it, which launches into a full-screen photo viewer when clicked, but without giving an option to save any of the pictures shown. - wikipedia

Thanks to: carlibux


Doamnelor si domnilor, Marti, 7 octombrie, in jurul orei 17:00, in foaierul cinematografului Scala va avea loc o prezentare Visualart, impreuna cu o discutie libera pe tema "Making of - Animatie".

joi, 25 septembrie 2008

VAMPIRE KNIGHT only for girls

Vampire Knight is a shōjo manga and anime series written by Matsuri Hino. The series premiered in the January 2005 issue of LaLa magazine and is still on-going. Chapters are collected and published in collected volumes by Hakusensha, with seven volumes currently released in Japan. The manga series is licensed in English by Viz Media.


Yuki's earliest memory is of a snowy night in winter, when she was attacked by one vampire and was saved by another, Kaname Kuran. Ten years later, Yuki Cross, the adopted daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, has grown up and become a "prefect" (also known as a guardian) for the school with two purposes: to protect the Day class students (humans) from the Night class students (vampires) and to protect the true identity of the Night class students from being discovered by the Day class students. Her fellow guardian, Zero Kiryu, a childhood companion whose parents were killed by a pureblood vampire, is now determined to kill them all and refuses to trust them. Through a cruel twist of fate, Zero becomes a vampire himself, having been bitten by a pureblood vampire four years before, Shizuka Hiou. Kaname, Yuki's savior, leads the group of Night class, with the help of Takuma Ichijo (the vice president).

Differences between media

The main differences between the anime and manga are the placing of the story and the finer details. Several events with the anime are rearranged (such as when Yuki is attacked, however she is attacked several times in anime). Also, minor details of how Yuki is attacked are also changed. Some scenes and details, like when Zero fires his gun, the Cross Academy symbol is shot out, or when Yuki follows a child with a red balloon or Aido's "Souveneir Collection", which appear in the anime but are not seen in the original manga. The scene where Kaname lets Zero drink his blood is also different in the manga.


Yuki Cross
The adoptive daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, Yuki is a member of the school's disciplinary committee, which is also known as Prefect (Guardian). Ten years prior to the events of "Vampire Knight," Yuki was attacked by a vampire, but was rescued by Kaname. She has lost all memory of her life before the attack because her mother, Juuri Kuran, used her pureblood powers to put her vampire side to sleep, and Headmaster Cross took her in as his own daughter. She, like Chairman Cross, believes that vampires and humans can live together peacefully. She has also been giving her childhood friend Zero her blood to save him from becoming a Level E vampire. She and Kaname were raised as siblings by Yuki's parents, Juri and Haruka Kuran, who were also siblings and heads of the Kuran line of pureblood vampires. She is also Kaname's fiance, whom she believes to be her brother, and Kaname has yet to tell her the truth about who he is. Yuki has feelings for Kaname who has always been protecting her and has been by her side during her childhood as a human and as a vampire, but also has a deep connection and strong feelings for Zero. When Rido Kuran, Yuki's uncle, resurfaces at Cross Academy, Kaname awakens her vampiric side and pureblood powers.

Zero Kiryu
Zero's family was killed by the pureblood vampire Shizuka Hiou. Zero was taken in by the headmaster of Cross Academy, and became a Prefect, (Guardian) alongside Yuki Cross. He has a great hatred for vampires though he is revealed to be himself a Level D due to Shizuka's attack four years ago. He also has a younger twin brother named Ichiru who was living by Shizuka's side. Even though Kaname killed Shizuka, Ichiru thought it was Zero and blamed him. Zero assumed that Ichiru wanted revenge but instead he wanted death so he let Zero "eat him" making Zero complete putting him at a tier of power above vampires and hunters and possibly saving him from becoming a Level E indefinitely. Zero is in love with Yuki, always protecting her, and almost kissing her but restrains himself.

Kaname Kuran
A pureblood vampire, Kaname saved Yuki from an attack by another vampire when she was little. He is the class president of the Night Class, much feared and respected by the other Night Class students. While he is cold and authoritative towards his fellows in the Night Class, he is always kind and sweet to Yuki. He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuki, and loves her in a romantic sense. (He allows Zero to live because he knows his death would sadden Yuki, and because Zero is useful).He is both jealous and angry of Zero for biting Yuki and endangering her life. He has a deep love for Yuki. They are also engaged, just like Haruka and Juuri, who were married to each other as it is common for pureblood siblings to marry. It is essential to keep the bloodline pure. Also, a fact yet to be revealed to Yuki is that Kaname is not her "true brother". He is actually the ancient ancestor of the Kurans, and Rido is his master who awakened him from his grave, making him unable to kill the man.

D GRAY MAN anime

Povestea se petrece in secolul 19,povestea se contureaza in jurul unui baiat pe nume Allen Walker care este membru unei organizati pe nume The Black Order a carei membri sunt cunoscuti sub numele de exorcisti,misunea lor este sa il opreasca pe Millennium Earl care vrea sa distruga toti oameni de pe pamant.

In preajma sfarsitului de secol XX oamenii nu se confruntau doar cu mizeria vietii de zi cu zi, ci cu amenintari teribile aduse asupra intregii lor lumi. Amenintarea cea mai mare este intruchipata intr-un personaj straniu si periculos, cunoscut drept Milenium Earl. Acesta are puterea de a invoca demoni folosindu-se de slabiciunile oamenilor pe care ii distruge pentru a-si incheia ritualurile teribile.Dar cum nu exista rau fara bine, si orice se poate desface, Milenium Earl are de-a face cu exorcistii... care, folosindu-si puterea Inocentei, data la nastere, ii fac misiunea aleasa din ce in ce mai grea, mai ales de cand in randurile lor a intrat un anume pusti care ii datoreaza un ochi blestemat si cateva amintiri indeajuns de dureroase cat sa-l tina pe tot restul vietii...Allen Walker si colegii lui exorcisti si-au inchinat viata impiedicarii lui Milenium Earl de a aduce sfarsitul lumii, iar povestea nu ne arata doar luptele dintre cele doua parti... Fiecare individ are o poveste de spus si o lectie de dat mai departe...

Dupa manga lui Hoshino Katsura (which is pretty good in my opinion). Akuma, demoni nascuti din sufletele moarte chemati din greseala, de cei dragi inapoi in lume, sunt armele lui Millenium Earl, a carui intentie este de a distruge lumea. Blestemul lui Allen Walker este mana sa stanga - o arma anti-akuma - si ochiul sau stang care poate vedea sufletele inlantuite din akuma. Totodata el este unul dintre putinele persoane in care se regaseste Inocenta, o substanta care-i permite sa salveze sufletele damnate si sa-i distruga pe akuma, luptand astfel impotriva contelui. Cu aceste puteri, el se alatura, ca exorcist, Organizatiei Black Priest si porneste alaturi de alti exorcisti, in lupta impotriva contelui si a planului sau de a anihila specia umana.

Personajele principale:

Allen Walker ( Aren Wōkā-japanese) - este un exorcist de origine britanica,de 15 ani si bineinteles principalul protagonist al seriei. Arma Anti Akuma este un parazit rar de tip simbiotic. Cu ajutorul parazitului, Allen isi poate transforma mainile in forma de arma anti akuma. Este singurul protagonist care beneficiaza de puterea unui blestem, care il ajuta de a vedea si detecta sufletele blestemate ale demonilor (Akuma).

Yu Kanda ( Kanda Yū ) - in varsta de 18 ani acest exorcist provine din Japonia si este prima persoana pe care Allen o intalneste la sediul ordinului. Anti Akuma este katana iar el are abilitatea de regenerare care este legata de un sigilui (care arată ca un sigiliu hinduism). Acest sigilui este legat la randul sau de o flore, iar de fiecare daca cand o petala cade, stamina vietii lui scade.

Lenalee Lee ( Rinarī Rī ) - Ea este de chineză, şi 16 de ani. Părinţii ei au fost ucişi de către un Akuma cand era foarte tanara. Arma anti-Akuma este o pereche de cizme, "Dark Boots". Atunci când sunt invocate, creşte viteza .

Lavi ( Rabi ) - vesel roşcat amestecat Exorcist de rasă, care are scopul de a deveni un Bookman şi de lucru este de-a lungul Negre Ordinul doar pentru a fi mai aproape de evenimente care trebuie să fie văzut. Are 18 de ani, ochiul dreptul este acoperit de un ochi-de patch-uri. Arma Anti-Akuma este un ciocan .

Crowley, Aleister -28 de ani, origine romana :))))) el este un om cu split personalitati: lui moale, natură, şi mult prea-emoţională parte, şi a lui "luptă-mode" faţă. A petrecut toată viaţa înainte de a deveni o Exorcist într-un castel şi a fost în jurul shunned de sateni, care au crezut că a fost un vampir, pentru că el a atacat anumite sateni, modul în care el a atacat-le şi de faptul că el are tema stereotipul vampir. Aceasta deoarece dintii lui au fost făcute de nevinovatie si a fost atacarea Akuma instinctiv.

Cele mai multe personaje sunt exorcisti dar sunt si altii din Clanul Noah,oponentii exorcistilor,cum ar fi: Road Kamelot, Tyki Mikk, Lulubell si Jasdevi.


Bleach este o serie manga şi anime realizată de Tite Kubo, mangaka (creator de manga) al Zombie Powder.
Bleach urmăreşte viaţa lui Ichigo Kurosaki, un elev de liceu de 15-ani cu abilitatea de a vedea fantome şi un shinigami (în traducere directă ,,zeu al morţii”) cu numele de Rukia Kuchiki. Primele părţi ale poveştii se desfăşoară în jurul acestor personaje. Odată cu desfăşurarea evenimentelor, povestea începe să ne dezvăluie mai mult din lumea zeilor morţii.
Seria manga a fost adaptată într-un serial animat de televiziune, două OVA, trei filme de animaţie de lung metraj, un musical rock, numeroase jocuri video, şi un set de cărţi de joc de colecţie. Volumele compilate de manga s-au vândut într-un număr de 40 milioane de copii în Japonia, şi au ajuns în topul de vânzări de manga din Statele Unite. Seria manga a primit Premiul Shogakukan Manga pentru categoria shōnen în 2005, iar seria anime a fost nominalizată de numeroase ori la premiile American Anime Awards.

Povestea începe cu apariţia subită a Rukia Kuchiki în camera lui Ichigo Kurosaki. Ea este surprinsă de abiltatea sa de o vedea, dar conversaţia ce rezultă este întreruptă de apariţia unui hollow, un spirit malefic. După ce Rukia este grav rănită încercând să-l protejeze pe Ichigo, ea intenţionează să-i transfere jumătate din puterile ei lui Ichigo, sperând să îi dea oportunitatea să înfrunte hollows pe picior de egalitate. Ichigo absoarbe neintenţionat aproximativ toată puterea ei, ceea ce îi permite să învingă hollow cu uşurinţă.
Următoarea zi, Rukia apare în clasa lui Ichigo ca un elev transferat. Spre surprinderea lui, ea pare a fi un om normal. Ea teoretizează că puterea spirituală a lui Ichigo a dus la absorbţia aproape totală a puterilor ei, lăsând-o ca urmare naufragiată în lumea reală. Rukia şi-a transferat spiritul într-un gigai (un corp uman artificial) până când îşi va recăpăta abilităţile. Între timp, Ichigo trebuie să-i preia îndatoririle de shinigami, luptând cu hollows şi ghidând suflete rătăcite înapoi în Soul Society.

Personaje principale

Ichigo Kurosaki
Protagonistul din Bleach, Ichigo, un elev de liceu cu părul portocaliu devine un shinigami temporar după ce absoarbe forţat de împrejurări puterile lui Rukia Kuchiki. Natura lui cinică îl face ca la început să îi displacă noua datorie, dar cu trecerea timpului acesta o acceptă, iar cînd puterile sale temporare dispar, îşi riscă viaţa pentru a deveni un shinigami deplin. Acesta îşi doreşte puteri cît mai mari pentru a fi în stare să protejeze pe toţi cei dragi lui şi pentru a o salva pe Rukia de la moarte.

Rukia Kuchiki Rukia Kuchiki este un shimigami trimisă în lumea oamenilor ca patrulă de exterminare a spiritelor malefica în oraşul natal a lui Ichigo. Deşi fizic arată ca o adolescentă, ea are defapt peste 150 de ani. Rukia este forţată în timpul unei lupte să-şi transfere puterile lui Ichigo şi să trăiască o perioadă ca un om obişnuit. Se înscrie la liceul din oraş şi se mută în dulapul lui Ichigo, în timp ce îl învaţă cum să fie un shinigami-înlocuitor în locul ei.

Orihime Inoue Orihime Inoue este o colegă veche de clasă a lui Ichigo, îndeaproape legată de el de o prietenă comună (Tatsuki Arisawa). Ea este practic orfană, de vreme ce ea şi fratele ei mai mare, Sora, au fugit din casa în care erau abuzaţi de la o vârstă fragedă, iar mai târziu şi acesta a murit. Deşi iniţial lipsită de puteri spirituale, începe să şi le dezvolte pe timpul petrecut pe lângă Ichigo în noua sa formă, ulterior posedând una din cele mai puternice abilităţi de vindecare, fiind capabilă de a readuce corpul la starea precedentă de sănătate, oricât de grave ar fi rănile. Are nişte zâne care îi îndeplinesc dorinţele.

Yasutora "Chad" Sado Yasutora Sado, cunoscut mai bine drept Chad, este unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni ai lui Ichigo. Deşi este cunoscut pentru statura sa impozantă este foarte blând, refuzând a se lupte decât pentru binele altora. Nu poate percepe fantomele la început, dar acest lucru se schimbă când observă un grup de copii find atacaţi de un hollow. Descoperă că posedă o putere unică ce îi acoperă unul dintre braţe, crescându-i puterea şi permiţându-i să distrugă hollows. Mai tîrziu manifestă şi puterea de a trage cu energie din braţul acoperit cu armură.

Uryū Ishida Deşi la prima vedere nu pare decât un coleg de clasă silitor, dar solitar, Uryū Ishida este defapt un Quincy, descendent al unei clan de arcaşi cu abilităţi de a vâna hollows. Poartă o ură pentru toţi shinigami, inclusiv Ichigo, dar după un timp ajunge să-l vadă pe Ichigo diferit, în cele din urmă ajungând să-l considere aliat şi prieten.

joi, 18 septembrie 2008

The World of Lineage II

The world of Lineage II is a war-torn land spanning two continents, where trust and betrayal clash as three kingdoms vie for power.

Combat System
In Lineage II, what you see on the screen is in real time. Therefore, it is critical to make an appropriate decision quickly for every situation you get in. Lineage II pursues both strategic features and action-oriented features by offering client-server synchronization and production of a client's battle at the same time.You will battle monsters with superior AI, use skills that need to be selected according to each particular situation, overcome situations through teamwork with other clan members, and experience action that is always thrilling, even when you kill a single monster.

Uniquely Specialized Races and Classes

Humans in Lineage II are similar to Humans in the modern world. Humans currently have the greatest dominion in the world and the largest population.

Special Abilities of the Race: Although Humans do not possess any special abilities, their strong point is the fact that they can transfer to the most specialized classes.
Characteristics: Humans are well-balanced in all of their characteristics.

The race of Elves worships the goddess of water and loves nature and aquatic life. The Elves
have slim and nimble bodies, long ears, and beautiful features. During the era of giants, among all creatures they held the most power. However, when the giants were destroyed, the power and influence of the Elves were also diminished. Now they only inhabit part of the forest in Aden.
Special Abilities of the Race: Compared to other races, Elves can hold their breath longer and are better able to jump from high places.
Characteristics: Elves are wise and quick-witted. They are fast in attack, movement and casting speeds. They also have superior marksmanship skills and higher evasion ratings. However, their attack strength is inferior to that of other races.

Dark Elves
were once part of the Elven tribes, but were banished after they learned black magic in order to obtain the power to fight Humans. They lost the battle, but continued to study the dark arts. Dark Elves have similar features to their Elven brethren, but are taller, have blue-gray skin, and silver hair. They follow Shilen, the goddess of Death.
Special Abilities of the Race: Compared to other races, Elves can hold their breath longer and are better able to jump from high places.
Characteristics: Since they possess high STR and INT, the Dark Elven attack capability is high.

The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities. After the destruction of the giants, they were able to expel the Elves and attained the most powerful position on Aden. However, they were defeated by the Elf-Human alliance some time later, and are currently living in an arctic area of Elmore.
Special Abilities of the Race: They have a strong resistance to negative effects, such as poison or sickness.
Characteristics: Orcs have superior physical strength, with high maximum HP and MP levels. They also have a fast recovery speed. However, they are not quick and have slow movement, attack, and casting speeds. They have low marksmanship and evasion as well.

Dwarves are of the race of earth. They have strong physical strength, a curious nature, and a fondness for creating new items. After the destruction of the giants, the Dwarven race always tried to side with the most powerful race in the land. However, as a result they became an isolated race - disliked by all other races for their profiteering nature. Their society structure can be compared to a large corporation and they are still renowned for their business savvy and capacity for organization. Dwarves are largely divided into Scavengers who find and retrieve raw materials, and Artisans who manufacture products out of raw materials.Special Abilities of the Race: Their inventory size is larger than that of other races and, compared to other races, their weight penalty is lower.Characteristics: Dwarves are master craftsmen and boast of great physical strength.

The Kamael are born into their destined religion that serves an absolute ruler called the “Mother Nornil”. Under the Mother Nornil, they devote their faith in the Goddess of Past, who rules history, the Goddess of Present, who records everything happening at this moment, and the Goddess of Future, who forecasts what’s to come.
Kamael have an affinity towards darkness. Because of this they can increase their own or decrease an enemy’s resistance to darkness, or bestow a darkness buff to their attacks. The Kamael can consume the souls of their enemies and turn the souls into energy to fuel their own skills. Most of their skills such as laying traps, buffs and magic can only be activated upon consuming a certain number of souls.
